Benefit of Puf Panel in steel structure

Benefit of Puf Panel in steel structure

A Polyurethane Foam(PUF) Panel is an important product in the construction industry because of the numerous advantages. Actually PUF panel is one of the most effective way to maintain the energy efficiency of the building. Insulated PUF  panel building keeps the building cool in summer and warm in winter. As the result Puf panel is saving up to 40 – 50 % of heating and cooling cost. Puf insulated panels increase the effect of thermal efficiency and reduce the temperature inside  the building. Puf panels are used for various applications like Food processing industry, Cold storage, Living Shelters, Prefabricated shelters, porta cabins, ripening chambers, clean rooms, Control rooms, health centres, wall cladding, High  altitude accommodation shelters and many more.

For complete blog check here : Benefit of Puf Panel in steel structure